Saturday, December 6, 2008

Change is good!

We've made the decision for me to switch roles in the office a bit. Bitter sweet this week as it took effect! I've decided to stop seeing patients for a while and narrow my focus... My first priority is to be a wonderful mother to our two beautiful boys. They need me and they are only this young for a short time! Our number one is to keep our boys happy and healthy, especially our little Pearce with his "amazing" immune system (that's the nice way to put it)!

I was feeling the candle burning at both ends...trying to be 100% at everything; being a wife, mother, chiropractor and owner of a business, not to mention gluten free, casein free, egg free chef/baker! Whew!

So the shift is happening, I was relived that my patients completely understand and obviously support the change many being moms themselves.
Brad will be taking great care of my patients!
I'll still be at the office a few days a week but will be up front taking care of business instead of trying to be there to see patients and handle the business all at the same time! I will say I really love this part of our practice...I love greeting and helping every single person who comes through our door! We have amazing patients! We also have an amazing team of staff and I like to have time for them also!
It's good to realize sometimes that you can't do it all...
I'd rather be really good at a few things than mediocre at many!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow! Change is good! I didn't know you were thinking about this....Your boys are very lucky to have you! (all of them)